Enrolling in a course within our learning system is designed to be a seamless process, allowing you to gain the knowledge and skills you need with just a few clicks.
Courses Assigned by System/Course Author
Some courses do not allow for self-enrollment. These courses are either automatically assigned based on rules in the system, or you are manually assigned the training by the course author. If you cannot find a course in the system, it most likely does not allow for self-enrollment, and you should reach out to the sponsoring department.
Using the Catalog
- Go to the course catalog* and click on the desired course.
- You should now see the course landing page. Click the green "Enroll" button to enroll in the course.
Using a Self-enrollment Link
- Click the enrollment link that is provided to you.***
- Log into the campus learning system if prompted.*
- You should now see the course landing page.
*If you are unsure how to log into the system, please review "How to Log into the Campus Learning System".
**If you are unsure where to find the course catalog or are not sure how to search in the course catalog, please review "How to Find Courses in the Course Catalog".
*** If you are met with an error after clicking the enrollment link and logging into the system, you should reach out to the course contact or sponsoring department for access to the training. This error can be caused by...
- An incorrect enrollment link
- The course being unpublished
- Self-enrollments are disabled for the course
- The course no longer exists
- The learner does not have access to the system
- etc.
If you are unsure where to find the course contact, please review "Who do I Contact for Support?".