The University of Alabama at Birmingham

Data Dictionary

Campus Role Management App Data Dictionary

Description of the report. For instructions on how to run this report, see the article [LINK to article containing instructions for how to run this report].

HR Executive
The HR Executive role is reserved for the Vice President, Dean, or Chief Officer of the school/unit.
HR Organization Administrator
The HR Organization Administrator role is the primary administrative leader for a school or unit and serves as a strategic partner to Central Human Resources for university initiatives. Employees in the HR Organization Administrator role may be informed of sensitive or confidential institutional information and communications and are responsible for ensuring school/unit alignment with certain regulatory or university HR processes. These employees typically report directly to the HR Executive and work alongside other school/unit leadership.

This role is generally restricted to:

  • Directors of Administrative Affairs, Assistant Vice Presidents, Assistant/Associate Deans, Executive Administrators.

HR Organization Administrators are designated at the school or unit level. 

HR Organization OfficerThe HR Organization Officer role is designed for employees primarily conducting day-to-day business transactions in HR systems and supporting routine personnel management functions or processes. The HR Organization Officer supports the HR Organization Administrator in implementing and/or communicating HR procedures to others. This role may be informed of sensitive or confidential individual or department-level information and communications. * This Role is distinct from the Oracle HR Officer responsibility. Oracle access will not be affected.

This role is generally restricted to:

  • Personnel Generalists, Business Officers, Financial Officers.

HR Organization Officer designations must be renewed every two years.

HR Organization SupportThe HR Organization Support role is designed for positions which serve an HR-adjacent capacity, but primarily perform other duties. They may assist with documentation, processing, or reporting.

This role is generally restricted to:

  • Business Officers, Financial Officers, Training Specialists, Executive Assistants.

HR Organization Support designations must be renewed every two years.

∎ End of article | Modified on: Mon, 10 Feb, 2025 at 3:40 PM

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