Issue: When an employee cancels a time off request that was moved from eLAS the approver is unable to action (approve) and the time off request remains in a Cancel Submitted state. The hours taken remain on the schedule and the employee/supervisor cannot submit a corrected time off request.
Resolution (workaround):
- Before the employee cancels request – The supervisor can cancel the request on behalf of the employee. The request will Auto Approve, bypassing the Cancel Submitted state, and the hours will be returned to the employee’s accrual balance.
How Do I Cancel a Time Off Request on Behalf of an Employee?
- After the employee cancels request – The supervisor can remove the hours from the schedule. Cancel Submitted will remain on the schedule, but the hours will be returned to the employee’s accrual balance, and a new request can be submitted, if necessary.
How Do I Remove Hours from the Schedule When I Can’t Approve a Cancel Submitted Request?