The hierarchy query and file processes are configured to allow flexibility of adding new Reporting and Operational Organizations through the Oracle user interface. The user must have the appropriate Oracle Responsibility to access and edit the organization hierarchy.
There are significant downstream ramifications for designating new reporting-level organizations, so appropriate due diligence before getting started is critical. Consider the following:
- A new Reporting Organization must be adjacent to other Reporting Organizations in the HR Organization Hierarchy.
- A new Operational Organization must be 1), a subordinate of an existing Reporting Organization; and 2), adjacent to other Operational Organizations in the HR Organization Hierarchy.
- The new organization should have HR Roles designated and in place either prior to its creation or immediately following its creation.
Note: You should request a copy of the existing hierarchy file before making changes.
1. Access the organization's details in Oracle. Open the Add'l Org Unit Details window.
2. Type the Reporting or Operational Organization code in the HR Level field. The HR Level field uses organization flex field attribute 13.
- Use CRL2 to designate the organization as a Reporting Organization.
- Use CRL3 to designate the organization as an Operational Organization.
3. Click OK to confirm the changes.
The following steps describe the validation process to ensure the changes were successful.
4. Submit a request to the Oracle IT team to:
- Run the export process that generates the hierarchy file (see File Imports and Exports for filename, dropoff location, and other details).
- Provide a copy of the new file to HRIS for review.
5. Compare the new file to the previous file and ensure the new file includes desired changes. You should also check that the number of organizations (ORG_CODE, ORG_DESC) is the same on each file. No organizations are created or deleted, simply repositioned.
6. Request file consumption teams (such as Applications & Consulting Services) view the updated file, confirm they see the changes, and run their pickup processes.
7. The new organizations are created.
If the organization does not appear as expected in the new hierarchy file:
- Check that the Attribute13 is correctly labeled in Oracle. Since the field is typed, ensure that no characters were inadvertently transposed.
If the number of organizations from the old file does not match the number of organizations in the new file:
- Check to confirm that no organizations were added or deleted to the overall HR hierarchy between the time the previous file was generated and the new file was generated.
- Ensure that the new Reporting or Operational Organization appears in both the appropriate reporting level column(s) and the Org column.
- For example, a Reporting Organization should include a row in which the RL2_RP_ORG_CODE, RL3_OP_ORG_CODE, and ORG_CODE are all the same value; similarly, an Operational Organization should include a row in which the RL3_OP_ORG_CODE and ORG_CODE are all the same value. See image below.