The assessment criteria for performance evaluations in UAB Perform were developed over a multi-year process with input from faculty and staff across campus.
Evaluation Sections & Review Grid
Because the responsibilities and expectations of roles vary, some employees have slightly different assessments and requirements for completing the performance review. Assessment sections are automatically presented to the employee based on an employee's job role. The Evaluation Criteria for all Staff and Leadership Expectations Assessment build from the UAB Success Model: Understand UAB, Achieve Results, and Build Relationships.
Evaluation Criteria for All Staff
The evaluation criteria for all staff applies to all evaluations in UAB Perform and consists of three categories: Understand UAB, an attestation of understanding and demonstrating UAB's Shared Values; Achieve Results, which assesses job knowledge and skills, service quality, and problem solving/innovation; and Build Relationships, which assesses communication, listening, and teamwork.
Goals Assessment
The goals assessment allows employees to enter Performance or Development goals. Performance goals relate to productivity, accountability, assignments or other aspects of work performance while Development goals relate to training, learning, skill building or other aspects of professional or career development.
Leadership Expectations Assessment
The leadership expectations assessment uses UAB's Leadership Expectations, which define consistent performance expectations for leaders and are built from the UAB Success Model.
Five-Point Rating Scale
The Evaluation Criteria for All Staff and Leadership Expectations are assessed along the five-point rating scale: Does Not Meet Expectations; Meets Some but Not All Expectations; Meets Expectations; Meets All, Exceeds Some Expectations; and Consistently Exceeds Expectations.
UAB Success Model and 5-Point Rating Scale
PDF Fillable Evaluation and Goals Forms